G’day Readers,
In this months video blog post I walk through best practices when maintaining a website. There are several activities that you will want to be doing daily to maintain the well being of your website.
Your website is an asset, much like your home is an asset, so do you take care of your website in the same manner as that of your home. Questions you should be asking yourself would include:
If you answered yes to all of the above questions then good on you, because you are taking the right steps to maintain and continue to grow your online presence and reach new clients looking for your products and services.
If you answered no, then watch the informative video below and contact us should you wish to find out more about Top SEO Pages taking these admin duties off your hands.
By the way, I have had to mark the video as private in You-tube, because it naturally contains information about the back end of our website and from a security perspective I wish to only share that information with existing clients and new prospective clients.
Anyway, this and loads more value add information is provided within the private video, so contact us if you have any further questions on 1800 SEO 888, or client.care@topseopages.com.au, or feel free to leave us a comment.
All the best,